Petröleum Consultores S.A.S. is a provider of specialized services, consulting, training and coaching of personnel in the areas of geosciences, drilling, production, environment, refining and HSE, whose objective is to minimize the geological risk based on the integrated analysis of the oil fields and supported by a group of highly trained professionals and all committed to the execution of the different phases of the oil business.
To be a company that stands out for the quality of its advisory, training and coaching services in the areas of geosciences, drilling, production, environment, geotechnics, refining, technological assistance and HSE, with human talent articulated and committed to carrying out the tasks. different phases of the oil business with a multidisciplinary team of specialists with an average of 28 years of professional experience in management, research, teaching, operations and with technological allies in oil services companies, as well as internationally renowned technology centers.
Petröleum Consultores S.A.S. guarantees its clients the efficiency and effectiveness in each of their projects, both in their execution, finished products, training and formation, providing creativity in carrying them out and increasing the improvement of the productivity of their hydrocarbon assets. We are a company that highly values its human resources, creating the conditions for an adequate organizational climate with very clear and well-defined principles of ethics, responsibility, and honesty for its entire line of shareholders, employees, and associates.
Carlos G. Márquez S.
Master in Exploration and Production at the French Petroleum Institute, France. Geophysical Engineer from the Central University of Venezuela.
Professional with more than 36 years of experience. Knowledge in seismology, acquisition and processing of 2D and 3D seismic data.
He was a tutor of the Seismic and Tectonic Interpretation expertise, he is a Senior Seismic Interpreter and leader in Integrated Reservoir Studies in complex areas using 2D and 3D seismic, in structural seismic interpretation and in sequential seismic stratigraphy, also using seismic attributes within the characterization process of deposits.
He has worked in more than 24 projects in the main oil basins in Venezuela, with more than 70 national and international technical publications.
He was Manager of the Junín area, in the quantification and certification of reserves in the Orinoco Magna Reservas Project.
General Manager of Exploration and Reservoir Studies of PDVSA Intevep S.A. and Director of the Bielovenezolana and Petrovenezolana Mixed Companies. Advisor to DEXEIY and the Board of Directors from PDVSA Intevep S.A.
Director of the Training Institute and professor at the Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons UVH. Active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE. He is currently a shareholder from Petröleum Consultores S.A.S.
Javier A. Pérez A.
Master's degree in Geophysicist from Texas A&M University, Diploma in Management from the Complutense University of Madrid and University of Burgos, Geodista Engineer from the University of Zulia and Higher University Technician in Geology from the University College of Maracaibo.
Professional with more than 32 years of experience. Solid knowledge of the FORTRAN, C++, Python and R programming languages, with more than 350 programs. Design, acquisition and processing of conventional and wave-converted ground seismic data, seismic modeling, seismic attributes, seismic anisotropy, seismic imaging and AVD analysis. Knowledge of earthquake stratigraphy, AVO analysis.
Postgraduate professor at the Central University of Venezuela in the School of Geology and Geophysics. Extensive training experience. Expertise tutor, thesis and internship tutor, more than 20 undergraduate theses in the area of geophysics. President and member of the Editorial Committee of PDVSA Intevep S. A. Editor of the refereed technical magazine “Visión Tecnológica” and evaluator of more than 200 articles. more than 50 technical publications.
Solid management and management skills. Project manager. Departmental exploration manager at PDVSA Intevep S. A. with a portfolio of more than 30 projects in exploration and reservoir characterization. Currently it is shareholder of Petröleum Consultores S.A.S.